The Enchantress of Ōgi Pieces
It is said that in Japan, in the Kansai region, when the full moon shines high in the sky, a creature of bewitching charms makes her appearance, seeking to lure lost passersby.

Beautiful and mysterious, draped in a kimono as dark as the deepest night, Komayō seduces the unfortunate with her irresistible allure by treacherously suggesting a game of ōgi. Those who accept her invitation find themselves swept away into an elusive labyrinth of moves and strategies.
However, as the game progresses, an insidious weariness takes hold of the players, clouding their judgment and seeping into their bones, inevitably leading them into a sleep as deep as it is immutable.
It is during this abyssal slumber that Komayō reveals her true nature. She drains their life force, leaving behind nothing but the hollow echo of their former vigor. The souls of these unfortunate victims are then transformed into yūrei, condemned to endless wandering. Haunted by the enchanting memory of Komayō and tormented by the vain hope of finishing their game of ōgi, they roam eternally, imprisoned by an unfinished quest and a fallen dream.
This story finds its origins in a troubling urban legend and mysterious stories that, over time, have become a warning against the allure of the unknown and the reckless pursuit of pleasure. It is a cautionary tale that resonates through the ages, a reminder of the fine line between desire and destruction.