
The Dark Chronicles of Komayō

Between shadow and light unfolds The Dark Chronicles of Komayō, a series of captivating tales that delve into the depths of the human soul. These stories, as fascinating as they are disturbing, reveal the fateful encounters between ordinary mortals and Komayō, a supernatural entity whose beauty is matched only by her dangerous seduction.

Komayō in blue kimono in a night street in Osaka, surrounded by neon signs and a subway under the full moon

An Enchanting Collection

This fascinating collection explores different facets of the legend of Komayō through distinct tales:

  1. An Evening at the Regency Bar - A man seeking to escape his loneliness accepts a game of chess that will forever change his destiny.

Skillfully blending elements of Japanese folklore and psychological tension, these chronicles serve as a warning against the allure of the unknown and the reckless pursuit of pleasure. Through each tale resonates a warning that crosses the ages, reminding us of the fine line that separates desire from destruction.